
LING 101 & 102

primary instructor, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2018

As part of my graduate assistantship at SIUC, I taught English Composition I and II for English Students, the Linguistics Department’s equivalent of English 101 and 102 for international and English L2 students. Although I wasn’t the instructor of record, I was the primary instructor and sole presence in the classroom. I taught LING 101 once in Fall 2018 and LING 102 twice in Fall 2019 and Spring 2020. Both curricula covered a) personal narratives/descriptive essays, b) comparison essays, c) cause & effect essays, and d) argumentative essays, in order to help students become more comfortable with and proficient in writing for academic audiences. Over the span of the two courses, students learned to find and incorporate secondary sources, and developed strategies for planning, drafting, revising, and editing papers.

ESL Instructor

primary instructor, Language Loop LLC, 2017

As an instructor at Language Loop—located in Chicago’s West Loop—I provided both private and small group lessons to adult learners of English. A training workshop was undergone prior to any classes being held and the curriculum was open and left entirely up to my discretion. Students usually took at minimum 10 hours of instruction, in 2 hour blocks, at a frequency that best fit their schedule.

Auxiliar de conversación de idiomas

in-class assistant, Fausto Maldonado, 2015

After obtaining my B.A. in Spanish Studies, I participated in the North American Language and Culture Assistants Program (aka Auxiliares de Conversación extranjeros en España), which places American and Canadian English L1 speakers as teaching assistants in elementary and secondary schools throughout Spain. For the 2015 - 2016 academic year, I worked at both CEIP Fausto Maldonado in Cañamero and at CEIP Nuestra Señora del Consuelo in Logrosán, two of the smaller municipalities located within the province of Cáceres, in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura. I was present in English, Literature, Art, and Science classes for students ages 6 through 12.